Today's Headlines - more at Metro


710 Shutdown, Union Station, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Palmdale, Santa Clarita, Sunset Boulevard, HSR & More


Human Transit

Beverly Hills Courier

StreetsBlog LA

California High Speed Rail Blog

"Deplorable" Comments From Bullet Train Official Enrage Farmers ("The County of Kings Board of Supervisors sent a tough 21-page letter to the Federal Railroad Administration. The supervisors accused the state rail authority of ignoring local concerns – and violating environmental laws – in plotting the bullet train’s route.")
California Watch

Curbed LA

Access: University Of California Transportation Center


FTA Transit Cooperative Research Program

Curbed LA

Los Angeles Daily News

Curbed LA

A Monorail On The Sunset Strip And Other Visions Of LA's Future ("Rethink/LA: Perspectives on a Future City exhibit at the A+D Museum. The exhibit most prominently features 20 photographs of present day Los Angeles, juxtaposed with 20 collages of a future LA. Collages showcased the icons, infrastructure, boulevards, freeways, urban environments, and suburban environments of Southern California.")
Curbed LA

Los Cerritos News

Los Angeles Business Journal

Los Angeles Downtown News

Opinion: The Dutch Way: Bicycles And Fresh Bread (Linking American individualism to transportation planning, author Russell Shorto claims that "the willingness of Europeans to follow top-down social planning" makes public transit and bicycling more feasible in European cities than they are in the States where people don't always agree with technocrats)
New York Times

Opinion: Transit Will Keep LA Competitive (Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa)
Los Angeles Daily News

Redlands Daily Facts


Los Angeles Times

West Hollywood Patch

Human Transit

CityBiz Real Estate

Transport Politic

Natural Resources Defense Council Switchboard Blog

Warsaw -- My Next Stop On The Wilshire Subway Extension ("My hoped for subway construction and more will happen in LA eventually. But if we want the projects to benefit us all before the economy, air, and public take another hit, the time to build is now.")
Urban Times


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