Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Metro Passes, Wilshire 405 "Rampture", LA Bike Share, CAHSR, Culver City Expo, Infrastructure Falling Apart,

The Best Of #ThingsNotToDoOnPublicTransportation (What happens when public transit advice starts trending on Twitter?)
Transportation Nation

A Breath Of Life For Metropolis: Re-Imagined South Park Mega-Project Gains Momentum From Big Downtown Deals
Los Angeles Downtown News

Culver City And Expo Authority Reach Agreement, Station Plan Moves Forward
StreetsBlog LA

Culver City Expo Stop Will Get Improvements, Already Has Street Art
Curbed LA

Highland Park-Mount Washington Patch

StreetsBlog DC
Building America's Future
Press Release (2p. PDF)
Fact Sheet (3p. PDF)

The Role Of Labor In Transportation ("What are other examples of how labor impacts transportation and infrastructure? How effective are labor unions in influencing the transportation debate? Are there anti-union forces that also impact the conversation? What can be done to avoid controversial labor issues stalling otherwise bipartisan transportation legislation?")
National Journal Transportation Experts Blog

Three Years Later: Is L.A. Ready For Bike Share?
StreetsBlog LA

Transit Enterprise Architecture And Planning Framework (150 p. PDF : "The declining costs of communications, data storage, and data retrieval are accelerating the opportunities spawned by the Internet and other information and communications technologies. Choosing and sequencing investments in technologies, processes, and people to reduce costs and increase productivity present challenges to the transit manager, who must weigh the costs, benefits, and risks of changing the ways services are delivered.")
U.S. Transit Cooperative Research Program

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