
Transportation Headlines for Saturday January 24, 2009

Bombardier Presents New Catenary-Free Streetcar

Comptroller Chick Slams City’s Take-Home Car Program

Discussion over Metrolink memorial continues - City schedules second workshop
Simi Valley Acorn

Dodger Trolley Drops Into Money Pit - Estimates reveal return of popular shuttle could cost city more than $600,000

Gas Prices Still Going Back Up
LAist Blog

Infrastructure: It's Job 1 to Americans - A poll finds near unanimous support for rebuilding
Los Angeles Times

LA continues to lead the way

LADOT - a Friend to Pedestrians?

Librarians Become Unofficial Job Counselors

Metro’s proposed June 2009 service changes

New CEQA Guidelines Expected to Shift Transportation Priorities
Fog City Journal

New Infrastructure: Innovative Transit Solutions for Los Angeles

New weapon to fight traffic: higher parking rates
Mercury News

New York congressman calls for L.A.-style port restructure
Land Line Magazine

Only in LA: DOT Wants to Remove Crosswalks to Protect Pedestrians

Parking meters tell you where to go
Daily News

Plans for light-rail project to Whittier moves ahead, but could face future funding problems
Whittier Daily News

Port To Collect $35 Fee In Clean Truck Program
Grunion Gazette

Prudent Privatization

Quinn Gillespie Doing PR For Rail Coalition
National Journal/Under the Influence

Ray LaHood sworn in as secretary of transportation
The Trucker

Streetcar Effort Names Dennis Allen Project Manager

Tragic piece of railroad history rides back to Los Angeles
The EastsiderLA

Tug tows Port of Long Beach greenward
Press Telegram


Transportation Headlines for Friday January 23, 2009

Congress Sending Wrong Signals to State DOTs in Stimulus Draft

Dodger Trolley Update Presents a Funding Stalemate

EPA likely to grant waiver to let California regulate auto emissions
Sacramento Bee

LACMTA board advances three transit-rail projects
Progressive Railroading

LaHood Appears Before Senate Panel

Los Angeles College Students Receive Metro Discount
Eastside Sun

Memorializing Fallen Pedestrians
SoapBoxLA Blog

Memo to Obama - For the new president, some advice on what to do with Amtrak, American Airlines, airport security, the Transportation Department, airline subsidies, and Air Force One
Washington Post

Metro Pushes Forward Four Projects, Including Two Subways

Metro’s Runaway Gold Line

Plans for light-rail project to Whittier moves ahead, but could face future funding problems
Whittier Daily News

Recession Obsession: Eating On The Red Line
LAist Blog

San Diego Airport face-lift to cost $4 billion - Plan could make it easier to check in
North County Times

SEPTA getting there with Google Transit

Stimulus plan would give California $4.5 billion for infrastructure
Sacramento Bee

Subway study approved by MTA Board
Los Angeles Times/Bottleneck Blog

Subway to the Sea Get Approval for Next Steps

There's no sidetracking persuasive transit chief (Google Transit)
San Diego Union Tribune

US Chamber CEO says gov't should weigh gas tax hike

U.S. Life Expectancy Increases As Cities Clear Air

Valley bus, rail routes to connect
Daily News


Transportation Headlines for Thursday January 22, 2009

Average gasoline price in California exceeds $2 a gallon
Los Angeles Times

Did Team Obama Gut Transit Funds From the Stimulus Package?

DC Metro Ridership Tops 1 Million, Shattering Record
Washington Post

Do Los Angeles’ Sidewalk Policies Put It Out of Compliance with the ADA?

Environmental Groups Slam Stimulus - Green Advocates Question Funding Disparity for Mass Transit
Washington Independent

Go Metro! But Don’t Step in Anything!
Gary Slossberg For LA City Council District 13

High-Speed Rail Needs Private Investment

Investment in Public Transit will Lead to Job Creation
California Progress Report

LA Creek Freak River Tour: Urban Expeditions gets Wet and Wild

LaHood: Spending stimulus wisely a top priority
Associated Press

Long Beach Port to Begin Collecting Fee
Los Angeles Business Journal

Metrolink elects new chairman, vice chairman
Progressive Railroading

More on the “LightLane” Concept
Bike Commuters

Nominee for Transportation Dept. Urges Role for Private Sector
Wall Street Journal

Old Disneyland Pictures Released by MTA
MiceChat Forum

Old-Timey Subway Renderings from the '80s

Regional Connector Set to Go to Metro Board

Should Obama break South Pasadena?
LA Observed

Some tips to improve the Chandler Bikeway
Burbank Leader

Southern California Test of Obama Promises
Fox and Hounds

Statement By William W. Millar, President American Public Transportation Association
American Public Transportation Association

Transit Authority: Stimulus miss - Bills for highways, no change for transit

UCLA group to present Metro with petition - Bruins for Traffic Relief urges board to approve funding of transportation projects
UCLA Daily Bruin

US stimulus should include private investment-group