Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Century City Subway, Wearable Transit Cards, Bike Sharing, ExpressPark, Bus Benches & More

Accessorize With London's Fashionable New Oyster Card ("Knowing that your transit card is on your finger or around your wrist, you’ll never fumble to find your card again." Check out the photos!)
The City Fix

After Air War, Lawmakers Hit The Road ("The Republican congressman at the center of the partisan dispute that shut down parts of the Federal Aviation Administration said Friday he was prepared to clash again with Senate Democrats, this time over a major highway bill that must be passed next month to avoid a disruption in federal infrastructure funding.")
Wall Street Journal


The Atlantic

Pedestrian Observations



Land Line

Walnut Patch

Distracted Driving: What Research Shows And What States Can Do (50p. PDF)
Governors Highway Safety Administration

Orange County Register

Blog Downtown

Curbed LA

Daily Breeze

Group Pushes To Make Alhambra More Bike Friendly
Pasadena Star-News

Santa Clarita Valley Signal

Daily Breeze

The Hill


Rebuilding America (audio : Maureen McAvey, ULI Executive Vice President For The Initiatives Group, appeared on NPR's Diane Rehm Show this week to discuss the need for greater investment in U.S. infrastructure. She explains why these investments must be made to keep America's cities competitive with those in Asia and Europe)
The Diane Rehm Show

Rethinking LA's Future ("Much of the traffic through the Sepulveda Pass moves underground in a series of tubes that accommodate both high-speed rail and 'personal rapid transit modules,' while a monorail operates above.")

San Francisco Chronicle

Slideshow: Imagine Your Los Angeles Street Beyond Cars (photo essay fro the A+D Museum exhibit)

Washington City Paper

A Star Is Worn (But Help Is On The Way)
Zev Yaroslavsky, Los Angeles County Supervisor, Third District

Beverly Hills Weekly

Statewide Transit Goal Setting (18p. PDF)
National Cooperative Highway Research Program

California Planning & Development Report

Los Angeles Times

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