Amtrak Says Ridership Rose 4.6 Percent In January
The Bikeroots: City Council Candidate Stephen Box And L.A. Bicyclists Roll Into The Halls Of Power
LA Weekly
California High-Speed Rail Authority Opens Doors To Private Interest: Private Sector To Describe Interest In Nation's Largest Infrastructure Project
California High-Speed Rail Authority Press-Release
CGS Earthquake Fault Zone Maps Now Online
San Gabriel Valley Tribune
City Planners Approve $250-Million Residential-Retail Complex In South L.A. ("The project is to go up next to a planned Expo Line light rail station — one stop from USC and the Los Angeles Convention Center.")
Los Angeles Times
Despite Rocky Hearing, Draft Bike Plan Moves To Last Stop, The Full City Council
StreetsBlog LA
Dozens Of Search Warrants Served In Major Tagging Sting: Damage Estimates Range Into The Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars ("The crew has been tagging MTA buses and trains, as well as other Cal Trans and city property, according to the Metropolitan Transit Authority.")
Gang Sweep Takes Taggers Off The Metro Line For Now
Glendale Wary Of 710 Meetings: Officials And Residents Are Concerned Transit Officials Are Set On Tunnel Idea
Glendale News-Press
Gold Line Metro Stations Get New TV Monitors
Pasadena Real Estate Blog With Brigham Yen
If It's Not The Destination, It's The Journey... (New study shows 45% of traffic in one section of Brooklyn, NY was simply searching for parking, wasting fuel and contributing to pollution)
Observers Room
No Vacancy: Park Slope's Problem And How To Fix It (22p. PDF)
Transportation Alternatives
Interview With Peter Calthorpe (author of "Urbanism In The Age Of Climate Change")
American Society Of Landscape Architects The Dirt Blog
Investing In Infrastructure To Build Up Middle-Class Jobs And Long-Term Growth
U.S. Department Of The Treasury Blog
Metro Holds Workshop For The New Little Tokyo Station: Urban Design Working Group Discusses Ideas For The Station Utilization Of The Regional Connector
Rafu Shimpo
Metro To Hold Public Meetings On 710 Freeway
Pasadena Star-News
Rail L.A. Looking For Your Ideas To Fix L.A.'s Transportation Woes
StreetsBlog LA
San Bernardino County Transportation Officials Make Pitch To Feds
Redlands Daily Facts
Senate Transit Plan Aims To Cut Traffic Deaths In Half
Detroit News
Sorting Out Rail-Bus Differences ("Claims for the intrinsic superiority of rail over buses often arise from people’s actual experience of using the rail and bus systems in a particular city. In these situations, you’re not comparing the intrinsic benefits of rail technology with the intrinsic features of bus technology.")
Human Transit
Transportation Panel Chairman Stuck Between Obama, House GOP Leaders
The Hill
Unraveling The History Of SoCal's Patchwork Of Local Government (Looks at the history of "complex and challenging relationships among California's counties, cities, special districts, and other governmental authorities," part of an ongoing collaboration between KCET and the archives and libraries of L.A. As Subject member institutions)
KCET SoCal Focus
When Will AASHTO Revise Its Policy Against Separated Bike Lanes?
StreetsBlog Network
Wikileaks: Saudis Overstating Oil Reserves
Today's Headlines - more at Metro
- Spring 2025 Transportation Courses at Portland State - 3/19/2025 -
- OPB's Stop Requested Live at PSU: Lessons and Opportunities for Rural Transit - 3/19/2025 -
- When Driving Is Not An Option: Steering Away From Car Dependency with Anna Zivarts - 3/19/2025 -
- Streetcar Summit Student Session - 3/19/2025 -
- Using Existing Infrastructure to Estimate Pedestrian Volumes - 3/20/2025 -
Civic Center History Lesson, Metro TAP & Turnstiles, Celebrating Black History Month, Economics Of LA Streetcars, Infrastructure Bank & More
BBB Runs Out Of Senior Passes
Santa Monica Daily Press
Bringing Streetcars Back To Downtown Los Angeles: A Closer Look At The Economic Benefits Outlined In New Study
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
Celebrating Black History Month: How The First African-American Motormen & "Motormanette" Pioneered Social Justice On The Los Angeles Railway
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
Civic Center Plans Through The Years (History of master plans for downtown Los Angeles' Civic Center, including image gallery)
Blog Downtown
CRA Unveils Draft Plans For South Figueroa, Public Mostly Positive
StreetsBlog LA
DOT Officials Take Message On The Road: Building For Tomorrow, Creating Jobs Today
U.S. DOT Fast Lane Blog
Geithner: Infrastructure Bank Would End "Bridges To Nowhere" ("The Obama administration's budget proposal due out next week will call for creation of a national infrastructure bank that selects major projects for federal would support projects that produce significant returns on our investment, allow Americans more choices in their modes of transportation, and better connect existing transportation networks.")
Wall Street Journal
Giddy Up: Highland Park -- And L.A. -- Gets Its First Bike Corral
Curbed LA
Global Warming Heats Up Republican Attacks On EPA
Associated Press
GOP Moves Ahead With Deep Cuts To Transportation, Housing
StreetsBlog DC
House Democrats Begin To Push Back On Draconian GOP Spending Cuts
StreetsBlog DC
Grand Avenue Project To Be Scaled Down
Los Angeles Downtown News
House Republicans To Fight Obama's Passenger-Rail Plans
Wall Street Journal
HSR Officials Gather For A Summit In Washington D.C. (video)
High Speed Rail News via YouTube
HUD Grants Show Post-Partisan Promise
Metropolis Magazine
John Mica Questions California HSR Project ("Amtrak’s Soviet-style train system is not the way to provide modern and efficient passenger rail service.")
California High Speed Rail Blog
Missed Connections (PDF : Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the New Yorker Transit Museum is asking the public: Have you ever had a missed connection on public transit? The Museum is hosting a "love in transit party" to find those who have slipped through your fingers on public transportation, and all would-be romantics)
New York Transit Museum
More Details On The Proposed "South Beach Bicycle Path" Extension
StreetsBlog LA
Nevada Seeks Boost From Proposed Federal High-Speed Rail Spending ("The hope is that some of that money goes toward shoring up the efforts of the Western High Speed Rail Alliance projects, namely projects to connect Las Vegas to California, Arizona and other western states.")
Las Vegas Sun
New Report: High Rates Of Per Capita Emissions In Global Cities, Especially Among Affluent
The City Fix
New Senate Bill Would Reduce Route Miles Requiring PTC Installation (Positive train control)
Progressive Railroading
Opinion: Public Transportation: The MTA's Gates Of Delirium ("It's February, and the bugs remain. Moreover, it's starting to look as though the gates may never be anything but an expensive albatross.")
Los Angeles Times
Retired Military Leaders: Federal Transportation Policy Should Focus On Reducing Oil Consumption
Transportation Nation
Transportation Policies For America's Future: Strengthening Energy Security And Promoting Economic Growth (72p. PDF)
Energy Security Leadership Council
The Streetcar Dollars: Downtown Transportation Project Would Create $1.1 Billion In New Development, 9,300 Jobs In Next 25 Years
Los Angeles Downtown News
Sustainable Transport Plan In Houston Could Be Blueprint For More Cities
Smart + Connected Communities Institute
Two Keys To Modern Cities: Skyscrapers And Transit
Santa Monica Daily Press
Bringing Streetcars Back To Downtown Los Angeles: A Closer Look At The Economic Benefits Outlined In New Study
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
Celebrating Black History Month: How The First African-American Motormen & "Motormanette" Pioneered Social Justice On The Los Angeles Railway
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
Civic Center Plans Through The Years (History of master plans for downtown Los Angeles' Civic Center, including image gallery)
Blog Downtown
CRA Unveils Draft Plans For South Figueroa, Public Mostly Positive
StreetsBlog LA
DOT Officials Take Message On The Road: Building For Tomorrow, Creating Jobs Today
U.S. DOT Fast Lane Blog
Geithner: Infrastructure Bank Would End "Bridges To Nowhere" ("The Obama administration's budget proposal due out next week will call for creation of a national infrastructure bank that selects major projects for federal would support projects that produce significant returns on our investment, allow Americans more choices in their modes of transportation, and better connect existing transportation networks.")
Wall Street Journal
Giddy Up: Highland Park -- And L.A. -- Gets Its First Bike Corral
Curbed LA
Global Warming Heats Up Republican Attacks On EPA
Associated Press
GOP Moves Ahead With Deep Cuts To Transportation, Housing
StreetsBlog DC
House Democrats Begin To Push Back On Draconian GOP Spending Cuts
StreetsBlog DC
Grand Avenue Project To Be Scaled Down
Los Angeles Downtown News
House Republicans To Fight Obama's Passenger-Rail Plans
Wall Street Journal
HSR Officials Gather For A Summit In Washington D.C. (video)
High Speed Rail News via YouTube
HUD Grants Show Post-Partisan Promise
Metropolis Magazine
John Mica Questions California HSR Project ("Amtrak’s Soviet-style train system is not the way to provide modern and efficient passenger rail service.")
California High Speed Rail Blog
Missed Connections (PDF : Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the New Yorker Transit Museum is asking the public: Have you ever had a missed connection on public transit? The Museum is hosting a "love in transit party" to find those who have slipped through your fingers on public transportation, and all would-be romantics)
New York Transit Museum
More Details On The Proposed "South Beach Bicycle Path" Extension
StreetsBlog LA
Nevada Seeks Boost From Proposed Federal High-Speed Rail Spending ("The hope is that some of that money goes toward shoring up the efforts of the Western High Speed Rail Alliance projects, namely projects to connect Las Vegas to California, Arizona and other western states.")
Las Vegas Sun
New Report: High Rates Of Per Capita Emissions In Global Cities, Especially Among Affluent
The City Fix
New Senate Bill Would Reduce Route Miles Requiring PTC Installation (Positive train control)
Progressive Railroading
Opinion: Public Transportation: The MTA's Gates Of Delirium ("It's February, and the bugs remain. Moreover, it's starting to look as though the gates may never be anything but an expensive albatross.")
Los Angeles Times
Retired Military Leaders: Federal Transportation Policy Should Focus On Reducing Oil Consumption
Transportation Nation
Transportation Policies For America's Future: Strengthening Energy Security And Promoting Economic Growth (72p. PDF)
Energy Security Leadership Council
The Streetcar Dollars: Downtown Transportation Project Would Create $1.1 Billion In New Development, 9,300 Jobs In Next 25 Years
Los Angeles Downtown News
Sustainable Transport Plan In Houston Could Be Blueprint For More Cities
Smart + Connected Communities Institute
Two Keys To Modern Cities: Skyscrapers And Transit
Downtown Streetcar's Economic Benefits, Obama's $53 Billion HSR Plan, Bus Color, Commute Near LA Metro Stations, San Fernando Quake At 40 & More
10 Best Cities For Public Transportation: Obama Announced More Funding For High Speed Rail, But These Cities Are Already Excelling (Among cities with the best combination of public transportation investment, ridership and safety, Los Angeles ranks #7)
U.S. News & World Report
40 Years Ago Today: San Fernando Earthquake Topples Freeways & Prompts Seismic Retrofitting Plan
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
"Amtrak Joe" Biden In Philly, Announces A New Plan For High-Speed Rail
StreetsBlog DC
As Huge Deficit Looms, Caltrain CEO Paid $400,000
Change In Transit Commuting For Areas Around Some LA Metro Stations, 2000 To 2005-2009
LA Subway Blog
EPA Recognizes Cities For Using Smart Growth Tools That Get Seniors Active
StreetsBlog DC
The Good Wait: What Those Subway Countdown Clocks Do To Your Brain
New York Magazine
High-Speed Heaven Or Boondoggle Express: The Obama Administration Has Come Through With Some Serious Money For High-Speed Rail, But Arguments That This Might Be Money Ill Spent Dont Spring Soley From Political Nay-Saying
Key House Republicans Aren't Buying Administration HSR Proposal
StreetsBlog DC
An LA Streetcar Is Desired To Help Create Jobs: In The 1920s, LA's Red Car System Was State Of The Art For Mass Transport. Now A New Streetcar System For Downtown LA Is Proposed Which Could Ease Traffic Congestion And Create Jobs
NBC Los Angeles
Lack Of HSR Funding Undermining Agreements With Freight Rail
California High Speed Rail Blog
[D.C.] Metro Escalator Problems Growing, Report Finds
Washington Post
Escalator Performance Report (19p. PDF)
WMATA Board Customer Service And Operations Committee
Measuring Walking And Cycling Using The PABS (Pedestrian And Bicycling Survey) Approach: A Low-Cost Survey Method For Local Communities (106p. PDF)
Mineta Transportation Institute
Mica & Shuster Skeptical Of New Obama Rail Spending
U.S. House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
Obama Announcement Riles Up Valley Cities Opposed To High-Speed Rail Route
Whittier Daily News
Obama's $53 Billion High-Speed Rail Plan: Some Historical Perspective
Obama's $53 Billion Rail Plan: Applause, Jeers, And Many Unanswered Questions
Transportation Nation
Opening The Loop With Transit Programs ("Two more agencies have jumped to the front of the pack in a push for an open-payment system that would allow riders to use a bank-issued contactless card for public transit instead of a transit-issued ticket or card.")
Contactless News
Should Blue Lines Have Blue Buses? ("Los Angeles Metro has painted their fleet two colors, red for Rapid and orange for Local. Even with two colors, the "Local" is problematic. Orange really means "everything but Rapid," including limited-stop and freeway-express services that wouldn't satisfy anyone's definition of a "local." And even so, sometimes you see an orange bus on a Rapid line, or vice versa.")
Human Transit
Study Finds Streetcar Will Create Massive Growth In Jobs, Development, Tourism & Revenue (4p. PDF : press release)
Jose Huizar, Councilmember 14th District
Major Findings (summary)
Factsheet (12p. PDF : delineates major benefits)
Executive Briefing (11p. PDF)
L.A. Streetcar Economic Analysis: Report & Technical Index (64p. PDF)
Transit Buzz TV Reaches 30 Million Monthly Viewers
Mass Transit
Vice President Biden Announces Six-Year Plan To Build National High-Speed Rail Network
The White House
Building A 21st Century Infrastructure (video)
The White House
The White House Stakes Its Political Capital On A Massive Intercity Rail Plan
Transport Politic
U.S. News & World Report
40 Years Ago Today: San Fernando Earthquake Topples Freeways & Prompts Seismic Retrofitting Plan
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
"Amtrak Joe" Biden In Philly, Announces A New Plan For High-Speed Rail
StreetsBlog DC
As Huge Deficit Looms, Caltrain CEO Paid $400,000
Change In Transit Commuting For Areas Around Some LA Metro Stations, 2000 To 2005-2009
LA Subway Blog
EPA Recognizes Cities For Using Smart Growth Tools That Get Seniors Active
StreetsBlog DC
The Good Wait: What Those Subway Countdown Clocks Do To Your Brain
New York Magazine
High-Speed Heaven Or Boondoggle Express: The Obama Administration Has Come Through With Some Serious Money For High-Speed Rail, But Arguments That This Might Be Money Ill Spent Dont Spring Soley From Political Nay-Saying
Key House Republicans Aren't Buying Administration HSR Proposal
StreetsBlog DC
An LA Streetcar Is Desired To Help Create Jobs: In The 1920s, LA's Red Car System Was State Of The Art For Mass Transport. Now A New Streetcar System For Downtown LA Is Proposed Which Could Ease Traffic Congestion And Create Jobs
NBC Los Angeles
Lack Of HSR Funding Undermining Agreements With Freight Rail
California High Speed Rail Blog
[D.C.] Metro Escalator Problems Growing, Report Finds
Washington Post
Escalator Performance Report (19p. PDF)
WMATA Board Customer Service And Operations Committee
Measuring Walking And Cycling Using The PABS (Pedestrian And Bicycling Survey) Approach: A Low-Cost Survey Method For Local Communities (106p. PDF)
Mineta Transportation Institute
Mica & Shuster Skeptical Of New Obama Rail Spending
U.S. House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
Obama Announcement Riles Up Valley Cities Opposed To High-Speed Rail Route
Whittier Daily News
Obama's $53 Billion High-Speed Rail Plan: Some Historical Perspective
Obama's $53 Billion Rail Plan: Applause, Jeers, And Many Unanswered Questions
Transportation Nation
Opening The Loop With Transit Programs ("Two more agencies have jumped to the front of the pack in a push for an open-payment system that would allow riders to use a bank-issued contactless card for public transit instead of a transit-issued ticket or card.")
Contactless News
Should Blue Lines Have Blue Buses? ("Los Angeles Metro has painted their fleet two colors, red for Rapid and orange for Local. Even with two colors, the "Local" is problematic. Orange really means "everything but Rapid," including limited-stop and freeway-express services that wouldn't satisfy anyone's definition of a "local." And even so, sometimes you see an orange bus on a Rapid line, or vice versa.")
Human Transit
Study Finds Streetcar Will Create Massive Growth In Jobs, Development, Tourism & Revenue (4p. PDF : press release)
Jose Huizar, Councilmember 14th District
Major Findings (summary)
Factsheet (12p. PDF : delineates major benefits)
Executive Briefing (11p. PDF)
L.A. Streetcar Economic Analysis: Report & Technical Index (64p. PDF)
Transit Buzz TV Reaches 30 Million Monthly Viewers
Mass Transit
Vice President Biden Announces Six-Year Plan To Build National High-Speed Rail Network
The White House
Building A 21st Century Infrastructure (video)
The White House
The White House Stakes Its Political Capital On A Massive Intercity Rail Plan
Transport Politic
Metro Service Changes, 710 Tunnel Meetings, Figueroa Redesign, New Federal Transportation Push, Transit Animation & More
106 Tickets Issued To Violators Near Metro Blue Line Station In Long Beach
Los Angeles Times
America's Most Miserable Cities: California Has Never Looked Less Golden, With Eight Of Its Cities Making The Top 20 On Our Annual List
Photo Essay
BART On Track To Replace Train Cars By 2023
Daily Californian
Biden Heads To Philly As White House Gets Serious About Transportation Push
Transportation Nation
DOT Issues Strong Intermodal Rail Endorsement
Journal Of Commerce
Figueroa Plan Eyes Bike Lanes: CRA Has $20 Million Vision To Boost Pedestrian, Bike Use On Key Corridor
Los Angeles Downtown News
Four Models Of Vehicle Use
Straight Outta Suburbia
Heavy Closures Planned For 405 Freeway This Week (405 / 22 / 605 ; includes detailed maps)
Long Beach Post
LaHood, Biden To Outline Transportation Plan
The Trucker
Memo To Metro (The Sequel): Service Change Proposal Details Still Lacking
StreetsBlog LA
Obama Finally Brings The Chamber A Fruitcake (It's Called Infrastructure)
StreetsBlog DC
Online "Map Movies": Useful? ("Can animation help people understand their transit options?")
Human Transit
Review Of Last Week's Metro "Service Enhancement" Hearings
StreetsBlog LA
Sharing The Value Of Transit
Mass Transit
Business Arguments For Public Transportation
APTA via Facebook
So What's Up With The Transportation Bill?
California High Speed Rail Blog
SR-710 Conversations ("We are beginning with a fresh perspective to initiate an environmental review process that will focus on a range of solutions to specifically evaluate the effects of the SR 710 gap. This process involves an education and public involvement program to seek both regional and community-based solutions that are suggested by you, your friends and family, your neighbors, and everyone else in your community.")
Upcoming Meetings
States That Spent Stimulus On Repairs And Public Transportation Created More Jobs Than Other States
Daily Kos
Victims Of Deadly 2008 Metrolink Crash In Chatsworth To Meet Train Execs
Los Angeles Daily News
Walk This Way: 2nd-Annual March March (Union Station - Gold Line route)
Blogging LA
Los Angeles Times
America's Most Miserable Cities: California Has Never Looked Less Golden, With Eight Of Its Cities Making The Top 20 On Our Annual List
Photo Essay
BART On Track To Replace Train Cars By 2023
Daily Californian
Biden Heads To Philly As White House Gets Serious About Transportation Push
Transportation Nation
DOT Issues Strong Intermodal Rail Endorsement
Journal Of Commerce
Figueroa Plan Eyes Bike Lanes: CRA Has $20 Million Vision To Boost Pedestrian, Bike Use On Key Corridor
Los Angeles Downtown News
Four Models Of Vehicle Use
Straight Outta Suburbia
Heavy Closures Planned For 405 Freeway This Week (405 / 22 / 605 ; includes detailed maps)
Long Beach Post
LaHood, Biden To Outline Transportation Plan
The Trucker
Memo To Metro (The Sequel): Service Change Proposal Details Still Lacking
StreetsBlog LA
Obama Finally Brings The Chamber A Fruitcake (It's Called Infrastructure)
StreetsBlog DC
Online "Map Movies": Useful? ("Can animation help people understand their transit options?")
Human Transit
Review Of Last Week's Metro "Service Enhancement" Hearings
StreetsBlog LA
Sharing The Value Of Transit
Mass Transit
Business Arguments For Public Transportation
APTA via Facebook
So What's Up With The Transportation Bill?
California High Speed Rail Blog
SR-710 Conversations ("We are beginning with a fresh perspective to initiate an environmental review process that will focus on a range of solutions to specifically evaluate the effects of the SR 710 gap. This process involves an education and public involvement program to seek both regional and community-based solutions that are suggested by you, your friends and family, your neighbors, and everyone else in your community.")
Upcoming Meetings
States That Spent Stimulus On Repairs And Public Transportation Created More Jobs Than Other States
Daily Kos
Victims Of Deadly 2008 Metrolink Crash In Chatsworth To Meet Train Execs
Los Angeles Daily News
Walk This Way: 2nd-Annual March March (Union Station - Gold Line route)
Blogging LA
Expo Line Testing, Westside Transit Rivalries, Free Transit For Homeless, How Late Is Late?, CalTrain Freefall, Innovative Bus Stops & More
19 Most Innovative Bus Stop Concepts (fascinating photos and renderings)
$200 Million Settlement Fund Finalized For Victims Of Deadly Los Angeles Metrolink Train Wreck
Los Angeles Times
AASHTO Suggests Some Tools For Getting Out Of The Transpo Funding Mess
StreetsBlog DC
Announcing CicLAvia 2011: April, July, October (dates and preliminary routes announced)
Brooklyn Bus Riders Get Real-Time Bus Tracking Via Cellphone
Caltrain Proposes Shuttering Half Its Stations (Service would be cut 44%, half the stations would close, mid-day and weekend service would be eliminated unless $30 million can be found for the West's oldest commuter rail)
San Jose Mercury News
Do American Drivers Get A "Dictator Discount" On Gasoline?
The Atlantic
Egypt And The Gas Pump: Do Revolutions Mean Higher Gas Prices?
Efficient Use Of Highway Capacity Summary: Report To Congress (100p. PDF : Evaluation of safety shoulders as travel lanes as a method to increase the efficient use of highway capacity)
Texas Transportation Institute
Establishing Best Practices For Removing Snow And Ice From California Roadways: Final Project Report (113p. PDF)
Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University for Caltrans Department Of Research And Innovation
Expo Line Train Testing To Start
Curbed LA
Getting It Done Or Getting It Right ("The surface transportation bill is likely to come up short on funding for everything the administration wants, but is it better to pass half a bill than no bill at all? Is this year the best chance for major transportation legislation to be completed? Or should we wait until Congress is less divided and budgets are less tight?")
National Journal Transportation Blog
GOP Targets Transportation, Housing For The Deepest Cuts (Sets spending ceilings, "cutting the budget for the Transportation and HUD Subcommittee by 17 percent, or $11.6 billion.")
StreetsBlog DC
Government Social Media: Five Questions For 2011 (Who are the public faces of government agencies online? Why is government social media organized around agencies and not topics? What is the relationship between social media for government and things citizens care about? Is government prepared to interact with Citizen 2.0? Where are the open government entrepreneurs?)
Fast Company
Homeless To Get Free Rides On Mass Transit In Santa Clara County
San Jose Mercury News
Infrastructure Needed For Proposed Downtown Stadium, But So Far No One Will Commit To Paying For It ("Among them are a scarcity of parking, outdated roadways and meager mass transit options.")
Whittier Daily News
The Interdependence Of Land Use And Transportation
Transport Politic
Is Six Minutes Late "On Time"? The [N.Y.] MTA Thinks So
PCAC Releases New Research Report On Performance Measurements (Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee To The [N.Y.] MTA)
Minutes Matter: A Review Of Performance Metrics At The MTA: Research Report (65p. PDF)
Letter From Bike Lane Opponents To DOT: Don't Make Us Pursue "Legal Remedies"
Transportation Nation
[N.Y.] MTA Eyes Sliding Doors On Subway Platforms To Prevent Falls Onto Tracks, Litter Thrown Onto Rails
New York Daily News
New York's Open-Fare Transit Plan Starts Down The Development Path
Digital Transactions
Simi Valley Residents Want More Highway 118 Sound Walls
Ventura County Star
Transportation Secretary Optimistic About Bill
The Ugly Political Rivalries Of Westside Mass Transit
$200 Million Settlement Fund Finalized For Victims Of Deadly Los Angeles Metrolink Train Wreck
Los Angeles Times
AASHTO Suggests Some Tools For Getting Out Of The Transpo Funding Mess
StreetsBlog DC
Announcing CicLAvia 2011: April, July, October (dates and preliminary routes announced)
Brooklyn Bus Riders Get Real-Time Bus Tracking Via Cellphone
Caltrain Proposes Shuttering Half Its Stations (Service would be cut 44%, half the stations would close, mid-day and weekend service would be eliminated unless $30 million can be found for the West's oldest commuter rail)
San Jose Mercury News
Do American Drivers Get A "Dictator Discount" On Gasoline?
The Atlantic
Egypt And The Gas Pump: Do Revolutions Mean Higher Gas Prices?
Efficient Use Of Highway Capacity Summary: Report To Congress (100p. PDF : Evaluation of safety shoulders as travel lanes as a method to increase the efficient use of highway capacity)
Texas Transportation Institute
Establishing Best Practices For Removing Snow And Ice From California Roadways: Final Project Report (113p. PDF)
Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University for Caltrans Department Of Research And Innovation
Expo Line Train Testing To Start
Curbed LA
Getting It Done Or Getting It Right ("The surface transportation bill is likely to come up short on funding for everything the administration wants, but is it better to pass half a bill than no bill at all? Is this year the best chance for major transportation legislation to be completed? Or should we wait until Congress is less divided and budgets are less tight?")
National Journal Transportation Blog
GOP Targets Transportation, Housing For The Deepest Cuts (Sets spending ceilings, "cutting the budget for the Transportation and HUD Subcommittee by 17 percent, or $11.6 billion.")
StreetsBlog DC
Government Social Media: Five Questions For 2011 (Who are the public faces of government agencies online? Why is government social media organized around agencies and not topics? What is the relationship between social media for government and things citizens care about? Is government prepared to interact with Citizen 2.0? Where are the open government entrepreneurs?)
Fast Company
Homeless To Get Free Rides On Mass Transit In Santa Clara County
San Jose Mercury News
Infrastructure Needed For Proposed Downtown Stadium, But So Far No One Will Commit To Paying For It ("Among them are a scarcity of parking, outdated roadways and meager mass transit options.")
Whittier Daily News
The Interdependence Of Land Use And Transportation
Transport Politic
Is Six Minutes Late "On Time"? The [N.Y.] MTA Thinks So
PCAC Releases New Research Report On Performance Measurements (Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee To The [N.Y.] MTA)
Minutes Matter: A Review Of Performance Metrics At The MTA: Research Report (65p. PDF)
Letter From Bike Lane Opponents To DOT: Don't Make Us Pursue "Legal Remedies"
Transportation Nation
[N.Y.] MTA Eyes Sliding Doors On Subway Platforms To Prevent Falls Onto Tracks, Litter Thrown Onto Rails
New York Daily News
New York's Open-Fare Transit Plan Starts Down The Development Path
Digital Transactions
Simi Valley Residents Want More Highway 118 Sound Walls
Ventura County Star
Transportation Secretary Optimistic About Bill
The Ugly Political Rivalries Of Westside Mass Transit
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