Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Expo Bike Lane & Opening, Regional Connector, CAHSR Changes, Bus Stop Ads & More

January 14: This Date In Los Angeles Transportation History (local economic development corporation proposed)
January 15: This Date In Los Angeles Transportation History (detailed monorail plans)
January 16: This Date In Los Angeles Transportation History (highway planning for San Gabriel Valley unveiled)
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog

Academy Awards Could Relocate To Nokia Theatre
Blog Downtown

American Streetcar Projects Creating Jobs Today, Livable Communities And Economic Development Tomorrow
U.S. DOT Fast Lane Blog

Audit: L.A. Missed Out On $23.1M In Bus Stop Ad Revenue
Daily Breeze

Board Approves Palmdale High-Speed Rail Route
Santa Clarita Valley Signal

California High-Speed Rail Head Roelof van Ark Resigns
Sacramento Bee

California's Diesel Decade ("In 2010, the California Air Resources Board created a new set of emissions regulations for diesel engines. On a rolling basis, freight trucks are required to retrofit older engines, or to buy completely new trucks to meet stricter emissions standards. While those requirements can be expensive for truckers, so are the environmental impacts." Interview with Rob Harley, professor of environmental engineering at U.C. Berkeley about how the new regulations are changing the air we breathe)
Transportation Nation

Changes Coming For Orange Line Riders
Zev Yaroslavsky, Los Angeles County Supervisor, Third District

Chief Executive Of High-Speed Rail Project Steps Down: Roelof van Arks' Departure Raises New Questions About The Controversial Project's Stability. At The Same Time, Tom Umberg Announces He Is Leaving As Chairman Of The Project's Board
Los Angeles Times

Expo Bike Lanes, Smooth And Flat...For The Most Part
StreetsBlog LA

Expo Line Opening Date Pushed Back Indefinitely
USC Daily Trojan

Feuer Bill Would Fast-Track Rail Projects In California ("Feuer’s bill mirrors the LALive-sponsored fast track bill for a proposed NFL stadium in downtown Los Angeles. The purpose of both bills is to limit and short-circuit opposition to major projects.")
Beverly Hills Courier

Jarrett Walker On Human Transit (January 19 : free lecture at UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs by the international public transit consultant and Human Transit blogger)
UCLA Lewis Center

L.A. Council Won't Absorb Redevelopment Agency ("The council decides it can't afford to take on the agency and its employees. The council acts after the Legislature eliminated redevelopment agencies to shift billions in tax revenue to the state, cities and counties.")
Los Angeles Times

L.A. Is Most Popular City For Europeans Looking To Move To US
Curbed LA

L.A. Metro To Release Final EIS/EIR, Hold Open Houses For Regional Connector
Rafu Shimpo

The L.A. River Designated With Two Federal Initiatives ("Today Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa officially announced the selection of the Los Angeles River for President Obama's America's Great Outdoors initiative as well as being designated an Urban Waters Federal Partnership site.")

Legislators Seek To Help Cities Losing Redevelopment Cities ("With the agencies set to end Feb. 1, California lawmakers are looking for ways cities could still subsidize private development to promote economic growth.")
Los Angeles Times

Metropolis II At LACMA: Will A Sculpture Made Of 1,100 Hot Wheels Predict L.A.'s Future?
LA Weekly

One Dream, Many Hands In Metropolis II (The story behind the people who created and constructed the LACMA exhibit)
Zev Yaroslavsky, Los Angeles County Supervisor, Third District

Opinion: Getting Real About Redevelopment In California ("Redevelopment should be used only for true revitalization. The short list of things redevelopment ought to be used for should be obvious: the rehabilitation of so-called brownfields — properties whose development is complicated by industrial or other contamination — and building affordable housing, transit-oriented development and inner-city retail in areas where there are few stores.")
Los Angeles Times

Regional Connector Study Done, Meetings On Tap
Los Angeles Downtown News

Rethinking Echo Park's Glendale Boulevard: Urban Planning Workshop
Echo Park Online

RIP, Community Redevelopment Agency
California Progress Report

Roelof van Ark, High-Speed Rail CEO, Resigns
San Francisco Chronicle

Sadik-Khan: Bike-Share GPS Data Will Help Plan NYC Bike Network

Savings May Come Soon Under New Fuel Economy Standard ("Gasoline prices hit record highs in 2011 and for the first time last year, the cost of gas equaled or exceeded even the cost of owning a vehicle: on average, the roughly $2,800 dollars that a household spent at the pump was more than a year’s worth of car payments.")

See-Rent-Ride: Bikeshare Changes The Way People See The City
League Of American Bicyclists

A Solution For California's Transportation Woes
The Atlantic: Cities

Southbound Sepulveda Blvd. Closing Nightly Near Getty Ramps
Beverly Hills Patch

Stuff You Already Knew About Commuting Biking Now In Handy Dandy Infographic
Uptown Almanac

What The Eurostar's Success Means For California HSR
The Atlantic: Cities

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