Art Decopedia ("The Art Deco Society of Los Angeles has set out to catalog the historic treasures of the Los Angeles area.")
Art Deco Society of Los Angeles
Boehner Uncertain On Passage Of $260B Transportation Bill
The Hill
California Alliance For Jobs Runs Radio Ads Touting High-Speed Rail
Sacramento Bee
A Day Of Action To Stop The Attack On Transit, Biking, And Walking
StreetsBlog Network
Editorial: U.S. House Throws Transit Under A Bus
Sacramento Bee
Gold Line Work Brings More 210 Closures
Pasadena Star-News
GOP House Works To Undo Reagan Legacy On Transportation
Transportation Nation
House Bill Delays Rail Safety Mandate ("Shortly after a train collision near Chatsworth, Calif., Congress required rail operators transporting passengers or toxic materials to install equipment by the end of 2015 that would automatically stop a train that is in danger of an accident...But a House bill that would dictate the nation's future transportation agenda pushes back the installment deadline five years.")
Associated Press
HSR Supporters Ramp Up Organizing And Information Efforts
California High Speed Rail Blog
If You Liked Measure R, You'll Love Measure R Plus!
Move LA
In California, Green Jobs Are Recession-Proof
Integration Of Bicycling And Walking Facilities Into The Infrastructure Of Urban Communities (166p. PDF)
Mineta Transportation Institute
Industry Council Approves Study For Railroad Project
Walnut Patch
Key To Smart Transit Is Data Sharing, Experts Say At Cities Summit ("A lot of cities are not connecting their transport systems effectively to their information and communications systems, and we think that’s a perspective that has to be put front and centre.")
Vancouver Observer
Mayor To Metro: Subway Plan Needs More Study ("The dialogue over the route of the Westside Subway Extension continues as Mayor Barry Brucker responds to Metro's latest open letter.")
Beverly Hills Patch
Megapolitan America: A New Vision For Understanding America's Metropolitan Geography
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
Money Battle Looms Over Ambiguous RDA Law ("City officials have said that redevelopment funds could amount to as much as $300 million worth of capital projects, including rebuilding the Downtown public parking structures and renovating the Civic Auditorium, as well as several projects related to the Expo Light Rail line.")
Santa Monica Lookout
Obama Administration Reaffirms Support For California High-Speed Rail
Los Angeles Times
Opposing The House Transit Bill That's So Bad It "Defies Belief"
Next American City
The Polka Dotted Plan For Silver Lake's New Pedestrian Plaza
Curbed LA
Principle And Power In Federal Transportation (Reviews the principles that have generally been used to evaluate federal transportation policy in light of this week's House bill)
Sustainable Cities Collective
Reclaimed Bus Yard Begins Life As Urban Wetland ("A nine-acre park at Avalon Boulevard and 54th Street offers walking paths, native plants and pools with bacteria that clean polluted storm water.")
Los Angeles Times
Safety Management In Small Motor Carriers (92p. PDF)
Commercial Truck And Bus Safety Synthesis Program
Santa Ana Residents Get A Say In Transportation
Orange County Register
Senate Moves Closer To Debate On U.S. Transportation Bill
Senate Transportation Bill Would Restore Commuter Tax Benefit
The Hill
Senate Transportation Bill Clears First Floor Vote, 85-11
StreetsBlog DC
Send A Love Letter To Better Transportation And Land Use (SCAG 2012 to 2035 Regional Transportation Plan / Sustainable Communities Strategy)
StreetsBlog LA
Seven Fatal Flaws In The House Highway Bill
Center For American Progress
SF Agencies Take Aim At Bureaucratic Obstacles To A Transit-First City
StreetsBlog SF
Transportation Sustainability Program (26p. PDF)
SFMTA / San Francisco Planning Department / San Francisco Office Of Economic And Workforce Development
Ticket To Ride: Los Angeles By Subway ("Get ready for some exploration on LA’s vastly under-appreciated underground train system.")
Urban Travel Blog
Top U.S. Rail Official Backs High Speed Rail: Endorsement Follows Capitol Meeting With Gov. Jerry Brown
NBC Los Angeles
Transit And The Power Of "No" ("In California, the Government Performance and Accountability Act, which supporters are attempting to get onto the state's ballot this November, would require that funding sources be identified prior to the enactment of any new program valued at $25 million or more.")
What The Smoggiest Cities In The U.S. Can Do To Improve Air Quality ("The top five smoggiest cities in the U.S. are all suspiciously located in California.")
National Geographic
White House Backs $109B Senate Transportation Bill
The Hill
Zipcar Parking 10 Cars In West Hollywood Soon
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