Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Transportation Headlines for Wednesday November 5, 2008

Measure R: Transit sales tax Yes 67.4% No 32.6%
(2/3 vote needed to pass.) Precincts reporting: 100.0%

17 Pasadena voters talk about Measure R -- some even can remember how they voted on it!
Bottleneck Blog

How often do those who oversee transit actually ride it?
Bottleneck Blog

In downturn, LAX in tough fix on improvements - Executives say tighter borrowing costs and a drop in passenger and cargo volume in the near term won't halt crucial upgrades. Mayor Villaraigosa is expected to unveil designs this month
Los Angeles Times

LADOT Ready for Late Night DASH Service

Mark Ridley-Thomas wins election for L.A. County supervisor -The state senator beats City Councilman Bernard C. Parks in the 2nd District
Los Angeles Times

Measure R Campaign Wraps Up

Measure R funds won't get rolling soon - Projects intended to relieve congested traffic are at least five years away, officials say
Los Angeles Times
Yes on R

Measure R sales-tax passes
Daily News

Metrolink malfunction delays some trains
Los Angeles Times

Sales tax hike for transit projects in L.A. County wins approval
Los Angeles Times

Stimulus plan: Bypass environmental reviews - Governor proposes shortcuts on reports for public works
San Diego Union Tribune

Transportation officials consider toll lanes
Press Enteprise

Visa offers payWave contactless payment to transit operators
ATM Marketplace

voters pass measure ‘r’ and high-speed rail bond

Westsiders decide on development, college bonds, telecom tax - In Beverly Hills, a hotel development is too close to call. Santa Monica voters defeat initiative that would have capped commercial projects
Los Angeles Times