Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Transportation Headlines for Tuesday November 4, 2008

Ask Curbed: Hope Street Bottleneck

Angels Flight Railway Cars Return - Crane Lifts Sinai and Olivet Over Arch Onto Track
LA Downtown News

Car sales skid 32% nationally
Daily News

Dan Walters; State budget gap widened mysteriously
Sacramento Bee

Deciphering L.A.'s tax measures
LA Now

Feinstein asks Paulson to look into lease-back deals
Botteneck Blog

Gasoline prices plunge below $2 a gallon in parts of U.S. - Nationally, the average price for self-serve regular has fallen 25.6 cents to $2.40 a gallon over the last week, while in California it's down 34.7 cents to $2.783
Los Angeles Times

LACMA major backer of sales-tax measure for transit
Daily News

Mayor Elects To Ease Parking Rules Around Polls

Measure R: it pays for groceries, too!
Bottleneck Blog

Metro Day LA: First Annual College Student Summit

Metro Holds Final Rund of Regional Connector Meetings
Rafu Shimpo

Metrolink board lacks firsthand passenger experience - Some transit agencies have one or more public positions on their governing boards. In Metrolink's case, not one board member rides the rails regularly
Los Angeles Times

THE PROPOSITIONS: Measure R - Alan Mittelstaedt says: YES

One day left: How Bruins for Traffic Relief rallied for Measure R
Valley Girl Urban Planner

One Last Look at “Yes” and “No” on Measure R

Plan to bar jets at airport during the day is voted down
Los Angeles Times

Pols plan one last push for Measure R
Bottleneck Blog

Public Transportation: Benefits for the 21st Century
Green Changemakers

Questions on Prop R

Visa to Improve Payment Experience for Commuters in Los Angeles and Paris; Working with Transit Operators to Enable Visa Payment at the Fare Gate - No More Fumbling for Cash; Transit Operators in the World's Most Populous Areas and Visa Are Collaborating to Take the Hassle out of Payment for Mass Transit Commuters