AIG fallout - Transit agencies weakened financially
Watertown Daily Times
Approval of transit funds paves the way for new challenges - Voters say yes to Proposition 1A and Measure R, but tough decisions remain.
Los Angeles Times
Big Day for Transportation in LA
Living in Los Angeles Without a Car
CALIFORNIA ELECTIONS - 1.6 million ballots are uncounted in California
In L.A. County, an estimated 566,000 votes have yet to be tallied. In Orange County, about 239,000 await counting. All must be counted by Dec. 2.
Los Angeles Times
Coalition of Whatever - Bizarre outcomes in California bond measures, social issues, taxes. Mystery voters have their say
LA Weekly
Come On Ride the Train(s)
Energy Thinkers Ponder The Future
New York Times
Full Steam Ahead for California's High-Speed Rail
High-Speed Rail Authority readies action plan
San Francisco Chronicle
L.A. County voters approve MTA sales tax
Daily Bulletin
LAX FlyAway Wins Innovative Transportation Solutions Award
Los Angeles Measure R passes, allowing for massive transportation infrastructure upgrades
Force Change
Massive budget deficit keeps growing, California's Senate chief says
Sacramento Bee
Measure R… by the numbers
Measure R holding its own
LA Now
Measure R: Now What?
Measure R: MTA effort below bar
Press Telegram
Measure R and High Speed Rail passes. Roger Snoble where is my Gold Line!!!
The Bus Bench
Measure R: Public works projects in Los Angeles
MTA moves ahead on Measure R plans
Pasadena Star News
Pols take their victory lap for Measure R
Bottleneck Blog
Port vital to economy
Ventura County Star
President Obama on Smart Growth
Pooling Resources
Transit Agencies Seek Aid in Avoiding A.I.G. Fees
New York Times
This Friday: A Future Without Cars? People, Bikes and Community
Transit authorities seek aid in avoiding AIG fees
Investment News
Transportation infrastructure: Obama win may help bring infrastructure front and center
Logistics Management
Transportation and Obama
Two-front war - Southern California clean-trucks case is before courts, FMC
Journal of Commerce
Vast majority of tax measures across L.A. County win - All but four among dozens sail to victory, some by huge margins. One observer says young people were voting their self-interest: improving schools and reducing gridlock
Los Angeles Times
Voters say YES to transit