We've received a few questions about our changes on the blogger platform for publishing the daily L.A. Transportation Headlines blog. We are now based on the Paper.Li platform for our news blogging needs.
Our new main web address is:
Click the blue "+subscribe" button in the upper right if you want to receive the daily email.
Our new RSS feed is: http://headlines.metroprimaryresources.info/~api/papers/53a81aa0-82ee-012f-25ad-12313d16b843/rss
We will still post the content from the paper.li site here on the losangelestransportation.blogspot.com page each day to take advantage of the archiving and search features that Blogger has. Unfortunately, if you prefer an RSS feed or email subscription, Feedburner will not generate them for this content due to the file size and graphics included now. The last Email and RSS feed that went out from Feedburner was June 19th. If you've been missing your daily dose of L.A. Transportation Headlines in your inbox or feed reader, use the links above.
If you need the code for a widget or iFrame embed, send us an email, library@metro.net
--Metro Transportation Research Library Staff