Metro’s ADA ridership growing rapidly
- Thanks to past improvements such as the implementation of low-floor buses, Metro currently boards the most wheelchairs in the nation with over 80,000 per month. This is a huge jump from the 3,500 w...
Community meeting set for High Desert Corridor project
- PALMDALE – The public is invited to a community meeting to help plan the future of transportation in the High Desert. The High Desert Corridor (HDC) project is currently being proposed as an approx...
Integrating Transit with Road Pricing Projects
- This study examined various levels of the treatment of public transportation in conjunction with the implementation of managed lane highway projects. It details the ranges of transit investments id...
Driving the costs out of rail
- June 27, 2013 by Informa Australia Leave a comment Australia has the sixth largest rail network in the world, moving over 1 billion tonnes of freight every year. Our passenger networks facilitate 7...
Transit vehicle design: Comfortable, profitable
- It’s no longer cost versus comfort; it’s cost and comfort combined, says Scott Sherwin, vice president of marketing and strategic planning at Alstom. “You can’t have the tradeoff; you need to provi...
City living breeds creative genius -
- I’d be the first to concede that the image of Archimedes yelling “Eureka” as he ran naked through the streets of Syracuse makes one fine visual for the concept of discovery. Which is a shame, not o...
Deadline L.A. with Barbara Osborn & Howard Blume
- CO-HOSTS: Barbara Osborn and Howard Blume Producer: Laurie Kaufman DESCRIPTION: Deadline L.A. is KPFK's roving eye on the media. We praise and pummel the news media for how it is - or isn't - cover...
How Mayor Garcetti Can Keep LA Transportation on Track
- ALPERN AT LARGE - New Mayor Eric Garcetti has inherited both a legacy and a huge "to-do" list from former Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and it's no secret that both men share the desire to establish ...