Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Gas Prices, Mobility 21, Transportation Bill, Cornfields, 710 Meetings, HOT Lanes & More

Activists Talk Fantasy LA Rail Lines
Curbed LA

Americans Can't Afford A Highway-Centric Transportation Bill
StreetsBlog DC

Bike Repair Racks And Other Ways To Make SoCal More Bike Friendly
StreetsBlog LA

California Gas Prices Jump 26 Cents In A Week ("The average cost of self-serve regular hits $4.29 a gallon, 57 cents higher than a year ago. The average nationwide is $3.29.")
Los Angeles Times

County Worker Shuttle Not Total Transit Fix
Riverside Press-Enterprise

Full Cornfield Park Project Finally Moving Forward
Curbed LA

Here's Mayoral Candidate Austin Beutner On Planning In LA
Curbed LA

Highway Bill Outlook Bleak, Ray LaHood Says

House GOP Regroups While Senate Dems Tackle Amendments
StreetsBlog DC

How Many Los Angeleans Are Stealing Subway Fare? (Los Angeleans??)
Christian Science Monitor

Integration Of Analysis Methods And Development Of Analysis Plan (138p. PDF)
Strategic Highway Research Program

Long-Term Transportation Bill Faces Detours

Metro Diaries: 6 Stops With Daniel The Candy Man
StreetsBlog LA

Metro Reaches For The Emergency Brake On South L.A. Bus Line
Southern California Public Radio

Metro To Host 710 Meetings ("Officials say the meetings will provide residents with an opportunity to share info and contribute ideas regarding transportation alternatives being considered for the SR-710 Study.")
Highland Park-Mount Washington Patch

Mineta National Transit Research Consortium Now Operating Under $3.49 Million Grant From US Department Of Transportation
Market Watch

Most Weekend Subway Riders In New York Since 1947
New York Daily News

MTA Proposes Cut To Westwood Bus Service
Westwood-Century City Patch

New Fears Over Revamped Transportation Bill
Transportation Nation

Photo: The Polka Dot Pedestrian Plaza Of Silver Lake

Ray LaHood Gives Senate Transportation Bill A Boost
Washington Post

The Road To An America Built To Last
U.S. DOT Fast Lane Blog

SF Set To Adopt New Plan To Promote Bike Commuting
San Francisco Chronicle

Southern California's Mobility 21 Fights For Transportation, Jobs In Washington, D.C. ("Mobility 21 will fight to protect federal funding for transportation, putting thousands to work across the Southland.")
Market Watch

There's Nothing Free About A Freeway Extension
StreetsBlog Network

This Week: Highway Bill Faces More Delay
The Hill

The True Price Of Gasoline ("A short film breaking down the true price of a gallon of gasoline purchased and used in Los Angeles.")
StreetsBlog LA

Unblocking The Box: Congestion Relief May Be Coming Soon To A City Near You ("Twenty years ago, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes were virtually the only politically acceptable way to add freeway capacity. But now it is becoming politically palatable to add capacity with high occupancy toll (HOT) or express toll lanes, which are open to toll-paying vehicles and usually some form of high-occupancy vehicle -- bus, vanpool, or carpool.")

U.S. Mayors Discuss National Port Infrastructure Plans
Financial News & Daily Record

Will There Ever Be A Long-Term Highway Bill? ("What happened to the original idea that surface transportation legislation was revamped every five to six years? Is it impossible now to pass a long-term highway bill? What is the rationale for a longer-term bill? Can the transportation community subsist on shorter-term bills like the Senate proposal? What would happen if there never was another five-year bill?")
National Journal Transportation Experts Blog

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