January 6: This Date In Los Angeles Transportation History
January 7
January 8
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
2011 DOT Year In Review: FRA Creating Jobs, Building American Infrastructure, Ensuring Safety
U.S. DOT Fast Lane Blog
California High-Speed Rail Authority Meets In L.A. January 12, 2012
StreetsBlog LA
Caltrans Offers Transportation Planning Grants
Santa Clarita Valley News
Can Amtrak Ever Be Profitable?
City Pushes Transit Officials To Kill 710 Surface Route: Local Lawmakers Want Caltrans To Sell More Than 500 Homes Along The Proposed Route
Pasadena Sun
Commuter Transit Tax Break Could Reclaim Parity With Parking In 2012
StreetsBlog DC
Crenshaw Rail Line Receives Final Approval From FTA
Los Angeles Wave
Crenshaw Subway Coalition Sees Opening In FTA Approval Of Crenshaw Environmental Documents
StreetsBlog LA
Do Rankings Affect Our Opinions Of Cities?
The Atlantic: Cities
Eyes On The Fleet: Civil Rights Stickers Posted On Metro Vehicles
StreetsBlog LA
Feuer Kicks Off Legislative Season With "Measure R Plus" And Fast Track For Rail Challenges
StreetsBlog LA
Gold Line Appeals Ruling, Denies Acting Illegally ("A Superior Court judge ruled last week that the Gold Line Construction Authority violated environmental law when clearing the Monrovia maintenance yard site, but GLCA officials insist the judge erred.")
Monrovia Patch
Gold Line Work Going Ahead While It Fights Bad Legal Break
Curbed LA
How AB 1x 26 Will Pick Up The RDA Carcass
California Planning & Development Report
L.A. County Voters May Be Asked To Extend Transit Sales Tax ("Officials want an item on the November ballot to extend the Measure R levy at least 10 years so they can borrow against the anticipated revenue to complete projects faster.")
Los Angeles Times
Looking To The Skies For Answers: A Second Look At Gondola Transit
Toronto Star
Metro Admits Santa Monica Blvd. Seismic Work Not Adequate
Beverly Hills Courier
Metro Moves Closer To Connecting Light Rail To LAX
Culver City Patch
Monrovia, Gold Line Officials Continue Attempts To Reach Land Deal For Maintenance Yard
Pasadena Star-News
New System Uses Radar To Detect Bicyclists At Intersections
New Town Square At Port Of LA Breaks Ground This Month
Curbed LA
New York Ferries: The First Smartphone Payment System For Transit?
Human Transit
Opinion: Pranksters To Exercise The Right To Bare Legs ("If you're not interested in seeing more of your fellow passengers than you're accustomed to, avoid the Red Line this Sunday.")
Los Angeles Times
Paved, But Still Alive ("There are said to be at least 105 million and maybe as many as 2 billion parking spaces in the United States.")
New York Times
Public Input Period For Glendale's Master Bike Plan Is Drawing To A Close
Burbank Leader
Residents Sue Over Crumbling L.A. ("Every one of the hundreds of commercial and residential developments in the past 10 years has been approved by the City Council with no clear way for them to know if our infrastructure can handle them.")
LA Weekly
Ron Paul: Subsidizing Highways, Let "Transits" Flourish
StreetsBlog DC
Six Projects That Will Shape Downtown's Districts In 2012
Los Angeles Downtown News
State Bill Targets Buy Here Pay Here Used-Car Lots
Los Angeles Times
The Struggle To Define L.A.'s Transitional Moment (A look back at Los Angeles Times architecture critic Christopher Hawthorne's yearlong study of the 27 seminal works about L.A.'s urban history)
The Atlantic: Cities
What's The Outlook For Smart Buildings In 2012?
What are transportation community leaders around the nation tweeting about today? Check out the Metro Library Twitter Daily, our online digest in newspaper format updated every day.