Today's Headlines - more at Metro


LA's Public Transit Tops List, Gold Line Art, Widening The 5, Beverly Hills Subway, Baldwin Park's Complete Streets,

Washington Post


Los Angeles Times

Westwood-Century City Patch

Beverly Hills Patch

Metropolitan Planning Council

Los Angeles Wave

Beverly Hills Patch

Do Line Numbers Matter At All?
Human Transit

Ventura County Star

Equity Of Evolving Transportation Finance Mechanisms (142p. PDF : Addresses the equity of alternatives to current transportation finance mechanisms, notably mechanisms based on tolling and road use metering, i.e. road pricing)
U.S. Transportation Research Board Special Report

Talking Points Memo

Beverly Hills Courier

Lighter Than Air: SoCal Ballooning In Photos ("The images that follow document a small part of aviation-ballooning history in the Los Angeles region throughout the last 100 years.")

Metro Magazine

Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Put Your Money Where Your Miles Are ("Though no country appears to be ready to adopt a VMT tax on a nationwide level, all signs indicate that we'll be paying such a levy someday soon. With the gas tax (hopefully) on its way to obsolescence, we'll need a new way to repair our roads and bridges. When done right, a VMT tax scheme could not only give our infrastructure funding a boost, it could also get us out from behind the wheel a bit more.")

The Role Of Public Art, Part One and Part Two (video : the importance of, and rationale behind, public art along the Metro Gold Line. Includes overviews of individual art installations and interviews with the artists who created them.)
Goldlineblogger via YouTube

New York Times

Transportation Nation


StreetsBlog Network

Zev Zings Critics (p.6 of 20p. PDF)
Beverly Hills Weekly

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