Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Obama's Proposed FY12 Transportation Budget & Reaction, OC's ARTIC Hub, 710 Gap vs. 710 Extension & More

55 FHWA Programs You Won't Have To Kick Around Anymore ("If this consolidation plan is enacted, it will be up to advocates to continue to push for important projects once they no longer have a dedicated funding source.")
StreetsBlog DC

Administration Wants $2 Billion In TIGER Grants
Journal Of Commerce

Amtrak May Lose Money In Obama Transportation Plan

Amtrak Starts New San Diego-L.A. Express
Orange County Register

APTA Press Release

Clipper Card Debuts Wednesday In South Bay
San Jose Mercury News

Funding Highlights And Summary (6p. PDF)

The Future Of Transportation Funding: Doing More With Less (report from the first of several U.S. House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee public hearings around the country)
Metro News (Charleston, WV)

Is There Hope For An Infrastructure Bank? ("Is an infrastructure bank an idea ahead of its time? What are the best arguments to convince naysayers that it could work? Could it be established initially as a pilot program that could grow in later years? How much money would be needed to allow the administration to effectively select and encourage projects that otherwise might not get off the ground? How important is buy-in from states, local governments, and the private sector?")
National Journal Transportation Blog

Language Matters: Mind The Gap ("Metro, in both press materials and on The Source, continually refer to the I-710 Extension project as the “I-710 Gap Project.” A “gap” is something that needs to be filled. It’s a nuisance. A problem. By referring to the project as a “gap” project, you’re already pointing the debate towards, “what is the best way to fill it.”)
StreetsBlog LA
This Big City

New Approach For High-Speed Rail Needed
USC Daily Trojan

Obama Admin's Bold Transpo Plan Leaves Funding Question To Congress
StreetsBlog DC

Obama Budget Could Create Millions Of Jobs
USA Today

Obama Proposes Infra Bank, Livability Grants, Doubling Transit Funds
StreetsBlog DC

Obama's Budget Would Trim Funds To California
Los Angeles Times

OCTA Board Tweaks Funding Guidelines For Transit Hub ("Orange County Transportation officials modified funding guidelines Monday to receive nearly $100 million for the building of a major transportation hub in Anaheim and voted to continue their support for the project.")
Orange County Register

Opinion: Subways Should Get A Line On Business Sponsorships
Los Angeles Business Journal

Opinion: To Get America Growing Again, It's Time To Unleash Our Cities
New York Times

Transport Politic
Los Angeles Times
