U.S. Transportation Research Board
Application Of Accelerated Bridge Construction Connections In Moderate-To-High Seismic Regions (65p. PDF)
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Assembly Joins Senate And Says: Give Me 3
StreetsBlog LA
Behind President Obama's Call For More Infrastructure Projects
StreetsBlog DC
Application Of Accelerated Bridge Construction Connections In Moderate-To-High Seismic Regions (65p. PDF)
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Assembly Joins Senate And Says: Give Me 3
StreetsBlog LA
Behind President Obama's Call For More Infrastructure Projects
StreetsBlog DC
Big Blue Bus Breakthrough ("A discussion of the history of the Pico/Rimpau transit center, the Santa Monica Municipal Bus Lines (“Big Blue Bus”) and of transit in West Los Angeles in general" from 1924 to the present)
More Than Red Cars
Boxer Files Highway Trust Fund Extension
Journal Of Commerce
Boxer Files Highway Trust Fund Extension
Journal Of Commerce
Los Angeles Times
StreetsBlog DC
Federal Transit Administration
Monrovia Patch
Demographics As Destiny (""If the transportation component of your local economic development planning is uninspiring, if it puts vague hope in some new roads, if it ignores transit, and if less than one percent of your combined transportation investments are in the growth modes of biking and walking, you do not have a transportation component to your economic development strategy.")
Curbed LA
A Drive Around Late 1940's Bunker Hill (photos, video, and narrative)
Blog Downtown
Dynamic Pricing: Fluctuating Parking Meter Prices ("The L.A. City Council last week approved a pilot program that hopes to turn the city’s current parking meter system on its head.")
Smart Planet
The Future Isn't What It Used To Be: Changing Trends And Their Implications For Transport Planning (50p. PDF)
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
StreetsBlog LA
Altadena Patch
The Hill
IBM Commuter "Pain Index" Shows Worst Cities For Driving (Discover where Los Angeles ranks relative to other U.S. and international cities)
Wall Street Journal
CNN Money
Los Angeles Times
Fast Company
Officials Push For Funding ("Thousands of Southern Californians could return to work, and millions more would spend less time in traffic, if federal lawmakers can break their logjam over a long-term transportation bill, local officials said Tuesday at a regional transportation summit.")
Riverside Press-Enterprise
Passenger Information Systems On The Gold Line ("Even the smallest mistakes in a train station's design can lead to serious safety issues, and we've seen Metro's Gold Line stations, specifically its Eastside Extension stops prove just that. Last time, I went into detail about the confusing entrance and exit pathways of the Little Tokyo / Arts District Station. This time, I note a safety concern and design error from the newly installed passenger information display systems that showcase train departure times.")
Plus Metro
Public CEO
LA Observed
Los Angeles Times
Transportation Bill Post-Labor Day Reset: Where Do Things Stand?
Transportation For America
Transportation Bill Post-Labor Day Reset: Where Do Things Stand?
Transportation For America
Journal Of Commerce
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