Accessible Pedestrian Signals: A Guide To Best Practices (339p. PDF)
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
The Backlash Is Brewing Against Chinese High-Speed Rail: Here's Why It's In Trouble
Business Insider
Bussing It To The Airport: The Life And Death(?) Of Line #439
More Than Red Cars
California Cities Race To Shield Funds From State
Los Angeles Times
CRA Maneuvering To Protect $930 Million From State: Proposed Deal With City Would Save $456.7 Million For Downtown Projects
Los Angeles Downtown News
Drop In Travelers Leveled Out In 2010: Bob Hope Airport Has Seen Fewer Fliers Since The Recession Began, But The Numbers Have Improved Slightly Since Then
Los Angeles Times
Emerging Answers: The Second Strategic Highway Research Program Accelerating Solutions For Highway Safety, Renewal, Reliability, And Capacity (28p. PDF)
Transportation Research Board
How London Leads The Way In Techno Wizardry (The advantages of releasing government data to developers "is not just a win for the government and the public but also for the economy — it is helping to create a thriving developer community.”)
London Evening Standard
How Much Urbanism Is Enough?
Natural Resources Defense Council Switchboard Blog
The Incrementalists: New Plans To Modernize Our Aging Rail Infrastructure Are Modest, In The Extreme (Bemoans America's slow pace of growth in transportation infrastructure, and blasts efforts as being too incremental)
Interview: John Mica Says Transpo Bill Needs "Alternate Means Of Financing"
Transportation Nation
LaHood: Transport Funding Bill To Be Signed By August Recess: DOT Secretary Says He's Confident Congress Will Transcend Partisan Differences To Pass Multiyear Reauthorization Law
DC Velocity
Maglev Rail Transportation System Moving Closer To Reality
Los Cerritos News
Metrolink Board Of Directors Elects Richard Katz As New Chairman And San Bernardino Mayor Judge Patrick Morris As Vice Chair
Metrolink Press Release
Mica Wrestles TIGER
Journal Of Commerce
More Redevelopment Agencies Rush To Squirrel Away Funds
Curbed LA
New & Notable: Language Of Towns And Cities, Urbanism And Climate Change & History Of The Paris Metro
Metro Transportation Library Primary Resources Blog
Plans For Light Rail Are Toodling Along
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Residents Discuss Alternative To 710 Freeway Projects: Presentation At South Pasadena Public Library Offers Look Into GRID Project
South Pasadena Patch
A Role For Business In Infrastructure? ("What is the appropriate role for businesses in government infrastructure? Can public-private partnerships be leveraged to bring forth projects that otherwise would languish for lack of funding? Are there barriers that keep businesses from stepping up to invest in major infrastructure? If so, what can be done to remove them?")
National Journal Transportation Blog
Seats Available For Ride To International Space Station
TAP 2.0 Overview ("Metro's TAP card just got a bit more awesome. You can now purchase TAP cards and add cash value via selected automated fare machines located at Union Station." Here's how)
Plus Metro