42 Ways To Fund Transit-Oriented Development
New Urban Network
2010 Inventory Of TOD Programs: A National Review Of State, Regional And Local Programs That Fund Transit-Oriented Development Plans And Projects
Reconnecting America
Press Release
2011 Sustainable Transport Award Winner: Guangzhou, China (The winner successfully integrates a world-class bus rapid transit system with bike lanes, bike share and metro stations)
The City Fix
Guanghzhou's BRT: Revolutionizing Perceptions Of Bus Travel In China
The City Fix
Institute For Transportation & Development Policy (Read about Sustainable Transport Award nominees: Guangzhou, Leon, Lima, Nantes and Tehran)
Assistant Secretary For Transportation Policy: Infrastructure To Be "One Of The Themes" Of State Of The Union
Transportation Nation
Beyond Transit Scores: An Exchange With Matt Lerner
Human Transit
Can A New High-Speed Rail System Save The American Dream? ("It will be much easier to adjust to the unimaginable economic and environmental crunches coming our way if we launched that system before peak oil smacks us upside the head as early as 2015, according to a recent report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command. And that's being generous; some would argue that we've been experiencing peak oil's birth pangs for over a decade.")
JOE 2010: Joint Operating Report (76p. PDF : discussion of Peak Oil begins on p. 26)
United States Joint Forces Command
City Weighs In On Rail Authority's Proposal For Elevated Line (Proposal for an elevated structure within the I-10 Freeway median in Alhambra)
Pasadena Star-News
Editorial: It's Good News L.A. Has Lost Its Top Listing For Traffic Gridlock
Los Angeles Daily News
Fair Oaks Corridor Improvement Project Begins In South Pasadena
StreetsBlog LA
Huge Parking Fines Inspired Parking Watch App
Park Patrol App
In California, GreenStart Acts As A Model For Making Green Tech A Reality ("In 1992, with the help of $6 million in state and federal grants, a nonprofit consortium of companies formed CalStart in hopes of developing a green transportation technology sector in California...CalStart plans to release Tuesday a blue-ribbon panel report that calls for...increased investment in clean transportation technologies, creating jobs and improving the environment.")
USC Annenberg Neon Tommy
Long Beach To Hold "State Of The Port" Address
Port World
Montebello Bus Lines Replacing Diesel Buses With Cleaner Burning Fuel
Pasadena Star-News
NTPP: Infrastructure Investment Will Only Boost The Economy If Done Right
StreetsBlog DC
Opinion: The High-Speed Rail Money Pit
Orange County Register
Pitch For Rebuilding Infrastructure Carries Political Challenges ("The challenge the administration now faces is twofold: negotiating a new transportation bill with Congress amid great uncertainty over where the money will come from and what it should be spent on, and then devising a system that would ensure that in times of limited resources, the worthiest projects get money.")
New York Times
Republican Opposition To Transit: A Geographic Explanation
StreetsBlog Network
SCI-Arc Campus Part Of Ten Property Settlement Agreement Between Meruelo Maddux And Lender (SCI-Arc occupies a quarter-mile long building rebuilt from L.A.'s original 1907 Santa Fe Rail Freight Terminal)
Blog Downtown
Servant Or Snoop In The Parking Garage?
Los Angeles Times
Strategic Approaches To Developing A Social Networking Page (12p. PDF)
Transportation Research Board
Streets Reconsidered: Inclusive Design For The Public Realm ("Re: streets is a fundamental rethinking of American streets. Funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, Re: Streets will result in a manual for designing streets to accommodate people of all ages and abilities and will serve a wide range of purposes, including transportation, commerce, education, recreation, and the ecosystem." Working conference and design charette will be held at UC Berkeley, July 21-23, 2011.)
Re: Streets
Study: Traffic Jams Making A Comeback
Riverside Press-Enterprise
Transportation Industry Faces More Aggressive Regulation
PR Newswire
The Regulators Ramp Up
Journal Of Commerce
Wheelchair Access Via Open Source Mapping
The City Fix
Wheelmap.org: Find Wheelchair Accessible Places
With Los Angeles As Inspiration, San Diego Enviros Call For 50/10 Plan
StreetsBlog LA