21st Century Public Transportation Tools
Plus Metro
2009: The Year Of The Bike!
CityWatch LA
Application Disables Smart Phones In Moving Cars
Los Angeles Times
Applying Analysis Tools In Planning For Operations
U.S. Department of Transportation
Auditing Long Beach Streets For Safety
Long Beach Post
The Bike Is the Star At This Café
New York Times
Can You TAP Me Now? (how durable are Metro TAP cards? Nine tests provide the answer)
Plus Metro
County Releases First Strategic Plan To Spur Jobs
Los Angeles Daily News
Los Angeles County Strategic Plan For Economic Development, 2010-2014 (16p. PDF)
CTA Expands Bus-Tracking Service To Cell Phones: Text Messages Will Detail Arrival Times
Chicago Tribune
Diesel Hybrids Deliver Big Savings To UPS (pilot study with National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
Press Release
Editorial: Study Shows California Highway’s Are A Failure
Oakland Tribune
Expo Releases Phase 2 Final EIR
Santa Monica Mirror
Holland’s Plan To Tax On Every Kilometer Driven
Is Portable Technology Changing How Americans Travel?: A Survey Of The Use Of Electronic [Devices] On Intercity Buses, Trains, And Planes (18p. PDF)
DePaul University, Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development
L.A.-Area Air Pollution Could Dip From New EPA Rule On Ships
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles 2010: Is The Glass Half Empty?
CityWatch LA
Los Angeles Sees Sharp Rise In Red-Light Camera Revenue
Los Angeles Times
Map: EPA Violations In The L.A. Area
No On Prop 1A Crowd Reunites To Attack HSR
California High Speed Rail Blog
R We There Yet?: Re-Evaluating Los Angeles’ Transit Future
Revealed: Crazy Basket Bridge for 210 Freeway
LA Curbed
Schwarzenegger's Plan To Again Raid Transit Funds Angers Rider Advocates: The Governor's Proposal To Help Balance California's Budget, Which Would Cut As Much As $1 Billion From Public Transportation, Could Trigger More Route Closures And Fare Hikes For Buses And Trains
Los Angeles Times
Share The Road: Buses And Bicycles (video: shared responsibility of bus operators and bicyclists regarding mutual safety from the Chicago Department of Transportation and Chicago Transit Authority)
A Social Snow Storm For Transportation Agencies (D.C. Department of Transportation social networking communication efforts pay off during blizzard)
Washington Post