Calif. lawmakers seek bullet train money
San Francisco Business Journal
Can Ontario Airport be Saved by Trains and Housing?
Curbed LA
Chicago CTA plan: $3 for train, 25-cent bus fare hike, job losses
Chicago Breaking News
DOT steps up digital vigilance for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
USDOT Fastlane
DOT Stimulus Payout Tops $3.65 Billion
Journal of Commerce
Frank Gruber: What I say – Just who is unsafe? (Exposition Light Rail)
L.A.'s Subway Hits New Roadblocks
California Real Estate Journal
Metrolink fare hike: A picture with three frames
One Step Closer: Metro Releases Final(?) Draft 2009 Long Range Transportation Plan
I Will Ride
Public hearings to discuss high-speed rail in Riverside County
Desert Sun
Public hearings start for high-speed train network
Daily News
San Diego to L.A. bullet train hearings will be held this week
San Diego News Network
Should Scope Of Surface Transportation Policy Grow Or Shrink?
National Journal
Schwarzenegger vetoes bill banning 710 above-ground freeway option
San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Some lawmakers frown on museum spending - Many see federal funding for museums as pork-barrel excess in a time of record deficits. Supporters say the money is needed now more than ever
LA Times
Tale of Two Cities: LA's Metro vs. NYC's MTA
U.S. West Coast Ports and Railroads Promote Trade Gateway
Journal of Commerce