An Ideal Industry No More - It wasn't long ago that a career in international trade was seen as a ticket to financial success, job stability and a secure retirement
Press Telegram
Catching a Bus with a BlackBerry - Mobile apps and social media are being tweaked to serve transportation needs
CTA Official Appointed Chief Counsel to the Federal Transit Administration
Chicago Press Release
Dan Walters: California's highways are in a sad state
Sacramento Bee
Grant Opportunity Provides Chance to Preserve L.A. County’s Historic Transportation Corridors
LA Streetsblog
How Should Planners Promote Livable Communities?
National Journal – Transportation
LAX FlyAway Service to Expand to Orange County
Metrolink adds video cameras to locomotives - Agency spends $1 million to record engineers in response to findings from 2008 Chatsworth crash
LA Times
Metrolink drivers to be monitored by video camera
Whittier Daily News
Metrolink Safety and Passenger Rail in Southern California - Reply to a Los Angeles Times report
New GPS Units Intended to Keep DASH Buses On Track
Renewed Interest in ITS Being Driven by Environmental and Safety Concerns, According to ABI Research
Business Wire
Reseda Boulevard Bike Lanes: One Mile Done, Four to Go
LA StreetsBlog
Sandag Seeks Share of Bullet Train Funding
San Diego Business Journal