18 firms vie to offer Wi-Fi on LIRR, Metro-North
Bill targets pungent riders of Honolulu's transit system
Honolulu Advertiser
Bus Riders Union gives failing grades to MTA
Los Angeles Wave
California high speed rail commission set to award contract to group with ties to Schwarzenegger - A $9-million public relations deal is set to go to a firm led by the governor's top political advisor and his former campaign manager. Ethical questions are being raised
Los Angeles Times
Calif. port holds hearings on more trains
DesertXpress train aiming for March construction start - Official says 10,500 construction jobs possible with $4 billion project
Las Vegas Sun
FTA Eliminates New Starts Rule that Gave Leg Up to Private Operators
Transport Politic
Minnesota's Northstar, Oregon's TriMet to launch new services
Progressive Railroading
New hope for hydrogen storage
The Transit Wire
New York Public Transit Data Summit and MTA Licensing Q&A
Station Stops
One year later: is Metrolink safer now? Lessons learned but still a long way to go
Ventura County Reporter
Open Letter to Antonio Villaraigosa
Port of Long Beach Seeks Zero-Emission Systems
Journal of Commerce
Riverside campaign to focus on train safety
Press Enterprise
Tourist's Quick Guide to seeing Los Angeles using Public Transit
Train to Nowhere
Riding in Riverside
Transportation Stimulus Supporting 76,000 Direct Jobs
Journal of Commerce
U.S. DOT to Stop Rewarding Transit Projects That Use Private Contracts