Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Transportation Headlines for Wednesday October 8, 2008

Activists Slam NBC Universal Project in Times Op/Ed

Amtrak Bill Clears the Way for Bike-Friendly Trains

Campaign donations not jumping aboard Measure R so far
Bottleneck Blog

Colton bike path, once opposed, gets lots of use
Press Enteprise

Council Wants TOD Plans for Future Green Line Extension

Closing Roads Sometimes Improves Traffic Flow
Christian Science Monitor

Cycling in Los Angeles
Transit LA

Dear Google Maps, What About Orange Line Stations?

DOT’s Robinson Agrees to Work with NCs on MOU

El Monte residents to vote on sales-tax hike
Pasadena Star News

Every Million Dollars Count When Building a Streetcar

Feds probe L.A. airport agency's allocation of $40 million to visitors bureau
Los Angeles Times

Fiscal news grows worse for California
Sacramento Bee

Folding Bikes Increasingly Popular on Rail

Heavy buses need some support
LA Now

L.A. mayor warns businesses of tough times ahead
Daily News

Measure R targets road congestion in L.A. County
West Ranch Beacon

Metro Driver Drives While On Cell Phone
The Bus Bench

METRO recognizes '10 Great Transit Systems to Work For' at EXPO
Metro Magazine

Mexico port could take local shipping
Press Telegram

Miracle in Pasadena!: New bike racks at Gold Line station
Bottleneck Blog

Perata says state may face 'another $15 billion to $18 billion deficit'
Capitol Weekly

Officials discover extra $390 million in County's coffers - Money may be held in reserve
Whittier Daily News

President Bush to sign rail safety bill
Bottleneck Blog

Riverside County agency to look at separating road-rail crossings
Press Enteprise

San Diego MTS Rolls Out New Buses

Santa Clarita Now Using Txt Msgs to Alert Residents of Emergencies

Speed cameras may track motorists over longer distances
Bottleneck Blog

Steve Lopez: Shining a bright light on a 'green mayor'
Los Angeles Times

Supervisors criticize MTA's mailings on Measure R as biased
Daily News

Traffic Rant: Hey, City Hall, is it really that hard to build a bike lane?
Bottleneck Blog

Transportation leaders say next president must improve U.S. infrastructure
Logistics Management

Two-Wheeled Act – Interview with Bike-friendly Congressman Earl Blumenauer

Video: Daily Debrief: Subway cards easy to hack

Wilshire bus lane update (with second update below)
Bottleneck Blog