Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Transportation Headlines for Monday Tuesday October 21, 2008

A few ideas to deconstipate Westside traffic
Bottleneck Blog

As Fuel Prices Fall, Will Push For Alternatives Lose Steam?
Washington Post

Bruins for Traffic Relief Raise Measure R’s Profile

Bus driver in San Bernardino sees economy go down, customers go up
Press Enterprise

Caltrans Announces $4 Million in SRTS Grants on International Walk to School Day
Smart Growth News

Don't let Metro get it's Golden Ticket. Yes on R
The Bus Bench

Gasoline Falls Below $3 a Gallon as Demand Weakens, AAA Says

Get Public Transit Emergency Txt Alerts

If Measure R fails, little gets built for 30 years, Villaraigosa says
Bottleneck Blog

Late night hours coming for subway

Long Beach opens clean-trucks sales and lease center
Journal of Commerce

Orange Line is Being Repaved…Again
Here in Van Nuys

Problems Persist on Ballona Creek Bike Path

Qantas brings Airbus A380 to LAX
Los Angeles Times

RailPAC Meeting in Los Angeles November 1st
Rail Passengers Association

Start Planning Now for Transit-Based Town Centers, Says Brooking Scholar
Smart Growth News

Study Confirms: Safer Bike Routes Get More People Riding

Transportation for America Coalition Seeking More Funds for Mass Transit, Infrastructure Repair
Smart Growth Online

Why should all Californians pay for high-speed rail? Dan Tempelis says Prop. 1A will create thousands of jobs, buttress our ailing infrastructure and fight pollution. Adrian Moore says it’s the wrong time for Californians to spend billions on such a poorly planned project
Los Angeles Times