Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Transportation Headlines for Monday July 17, 2006

BAY AREA: 4th Spare Air day this year - gasp - Extra state funds for transit assistance arrived last week
San Francisco Chronicle

City Supports Westside Mobility Action Plan: Westside COG (COG) takes position on improving mobility on the Westside including building the Exposition Light Rail line to Santa Monica, extension of the Metro Red line subway to the Westside, and other arterial improvements
Westside Chronicle

Gail Goldberg's Big Vision: The New Head of the Planning Department Talks About a 'City of Villages,' Dealing With Developers and the Future of the Los Angeles River
L.A. Downtown News

Naive optimism about high-speed rail system: Re "Rail of two cities," Opinion, July 7,1,5777798.story?coll=la-news-comment
Los Angeles Times

New route for Amtrak seems likely: After years of battling, compromise may bring private money into the rail system
Philadelphia Inquirer

Transit Agency Tied to Ferrari Crash Closes: Officials are still looking at how a San Gabriel Valley bus firm created its own police force, which car's alleged driver said he was a part of,1,1441854.story?coll=la-headlines-california
Los Angeles Times

Tunnel-boring machine makes way for Inland waterline: The technology is being studied as a means of creating a commuter passageway
Riverside Press Enterprise