Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Mapping Census Data, Japan's Impact On California, Monrovia Trolleys, Gas Prices, Transit-First Policies, TIGER Money & More


Voice Of OC

Consumer Affairs

North Carolina State University Center For Transportation And The Environment

Journal Of Commerce


Mineta Transportation Institute
Research Brief (2p. PDF)

Riverside Press-Enterprise

The Impact Of High Gas Prices ("What impact does a gas-price hike have on current highway funding? How long would gas prices need to remain elevated to change the estimate that the highway trust fund can sustain road maintenance for at least another year and a half? Will a sustained increase in gas prices change the public policy conversation about a highway bill? Will it cause policymakers focus more on mass transit than they have in the past? Can high fuel prices kick-start a conversation about a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) fee?")
National Journal Transportation Blog

Independent Voter Network

The Hill

Progressive Railroading

Monrovia's Trolleys May Be A Thing Of The Past: The City Council Will Decide Whether To Scrap The Service During Its Meeting On Tuesday ("City staff is recommending that the old-fashioned people movers be discontinued to save money for future transit projects in anticipation of the Gold Line Foothill Extension.")
Monrovia Patch

Pasadena Star-News

The Hill


StreetsBlog SF


CBS Los Angeles

When Rail Becomes Ridiculous ("If we insist on building trains to nowhere because they're so darn easy to build, we're not going to inspire anything but contempt.")
The Atlantic

Mother Nature Network