Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Metro Art For Kids, 30/15 Or 20, Private Buses, Transit Coalition & More

The Art Of Riding The Rails: Great Train Movies + Art And The LA Metro System
("The thriving public art program is testimony to the creativity of Angelenos, both past and present.")
Kids Off The Couch Los Angeles

Bicycle City (Interview with Bicycle City co-founder Joe Mellett who envisions car-free towns as a showcase for wind and solar energy as well as architects who specialize in green and LEED-certified problems.)

Car-Free Community Cropping Up In Rural Columbia [S.C.] Suburb
Charleston City Paper

Central Coast Railroad Festival: October 7-11 ("Second Annual Festival to focus on modeling, history and rail excursions...throughout San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara Counties.")
Rail Passenger Association Of California & Nevada
Central Coast Railroad Festival Website

Chicago's Parking Fiasco Fails To Stem Calls For Privatization Of Infrastructure
Transport Politic

City Working To Make Car-Sharing More Popular ("City planners describe car sharing as a sort of library service for cars. Drivers who pay an annual fee to join a car-share organization can reserve cars, by the hour or by the day, and pick them up at hundreds of spots around the city. The hourly rates include gas and insurance and, in some cases, mileage charges. We estimate our average member can save some $600 a month over the cost of owning a car in the city.")
San Francisco Chronicle

How About 30/15? Maybe 30/20? ("Why does a simple bonding plan require federal involvement? And why is it such a big deal? After a phone call or two, the picture is coming into shape.")
Legal Planet

LA Council Votes To Solicit Bids For Parking Garage Leases
Southern California Public Radio

Metro's Art Leahy Holds Court With The Transit Coalition
SoapBox LA

The Party Of Roads?
("Transportation has become a gubernatorial issue even in states where modal antagonism is not in play.")
Transportation Nation

Paved And Confused: What Krugman, Maddow, And The Press Corps Don't Understand About Gravel Roads

Photos: Designing L.A. With Toys & Other Abstract Objects At Last Night's Car-Free Party

A Private Bus Service Picks Up Slack From [New York] MTA Cuts, But With Questions

Private Buses
Think Progress

Question, Answer: Parking On Street Sweeping Days?

What LA Knew 95 Years Ago That We Should Know Today