Today's Headlines - more at Metro


Transportation Headlines for Thursday January 8, 2009

City (Chicago) misses out on $153M - Fails to meet deadline for federal funds
Chicago Sun Times

CTA launches joint smart card program with car sharing company
Contactless News

Hell to the No (Metro Rail Extension)

iGov - How government, including transportation agencies, are opening up on the Web
The Atlantic

LA Westside Subway: Transit officials say it may take until 2032 to extend tracks 10 miles to Westwood
Bel Air Association

Lawyer: Train engineer regularly used cell phone
Associated Press

LAX extension delay brings howls
Daily Breeze

Levels of Government Using Bike Sharing
Commute by Bike

Measure R Highway Funds Ready to Roll. Transit Funds? Not So Much

Metro: Um… We’ll Get Back To You

Metrolink report urges safety guidelines - Agency needs to do more to monitor employees and keep board members informed, according to experts studying last year's fatal crash
Los Angeles Times

Metrolink safety report released
Bottleneck Blog

MTA to consider alternatives for Eastside Transit Corridor
Los Angeles Wave

New Chicago politics (Long Beach Airport privatization)
Press Telegram

New Metro Long Range Transportation Plan

Oberstar Anticpates Big Year for Transportation
Red Rock On Air

Official Takes Heat for Parking Meter Confusion

Oregon Ironworks builds first U.S.-built modern streetcar
Metro Magazine

Riverside transit hub closing, SB plans one
San Bernardino Sun

Solis a solid choice for labor
Pasadena Star News

Supervisors approve traffic-relief project - Synchronized lights will start in spring, costing more than $2 million
Whittier Daily News

Tax monies for Gold Line may be delayed
Pasadena Star New

Transport co. at fault in Metrolink crash?

Transportation officials seek federal funding
Press Enterprise

Wiki Wednesday: “Shovel-Ready” Pedestrian Safety Plans?